Terraform vs CloudFormation - Which is the better infrastructure as code tool?

January 20, 2022

Terraform vs CloudFormation - Which is the better infrastructure as code tool?

Managing cloud resources can be a daunting task, especially when dealing with complex and large-scale deployments. Fortunately, Infrastructure as Code (IaC) can make this process more manageable, automated, and repeatable. Terraform and CloudFormation are two tools widely used for Infrastructure as Code, but which one is better? In this blog post, we will provide a factual comparison between Terraform and CloudFormation to help you decide which tool is best for your needs.

What is Terraform?

Terraform is an open-source infrastructure as code tool that allows users to manage a wide range of cloud resources through code. It provides declarative syntax in HashiCorp Configuration Language (HCL), that can be used to create, modify, and delete infrastructure resources. Terraform supports various cloud providers such as AWS, Google Cloud, Microsoft Azure, and more. It also enables seamless collaboration between team members and provides a safe and efficient deployment process.

What is CloudFormation?

AWS CloudFormation is a service provided by Amazon Web Services (AWS) that automates the deployment and management of cloud resources. It allows users to describe and provision AWS infrastructure resources in a declarative way using YAML or JSON as a language for writing templates. CloudFormation offers a wide range of templates with pre-built configurations for AWS resources such as EC2 instances, VPCs, and more. By using these templates, users can easily deploy complex and large-scale infrastructures on AWS.

Comparison of Terraform and CloudFormation

Learning Curve

When it comes to the initial learning curve, CloudFormation is a simpler solution. As it is provided by AWS and designed specifically for their cloud infrastructure, it is a natural first choice. Terraform, on the other hand, has a steeper learning curve in comparison. It requires users to understand its syntax and structure, as well as any specific provider language.

Language Support

Terraform supports a wide range of cloud providers, including AWS, Google Cloud, Microsoft Azure, and more. This means that users can migrate from one cloud provider to another without having to learn a new tool. CloudFormation, on the other hand, is limited to AWS only.


Terraform is compatible with both Private and Public clouds, while CloudFormation is limited to AWS infrastructure only.

Ease of use

CloudFormation is known for its easy-to-use templates, while Terraform requires more coding skills. However, once mastered, Terraform allows for greater flexibility and control over infrastructure deployment.


Terraform has a better track record in terms of maintaining code. The Terraform community is more active and provides updates and documentation more regularly compared to CloudFormation. Changes in code also need less modification when working with Terraform.


CloudFormation can be more cost-effective since it is a managed AWS service. Terraform, on the other hand, requires more resources, and independent management of these resources can lead to higher costs.


Both Terraform and CloudFormation can be excellent tools for Infrastructure as Code, but their suitability depends on the use case. CloudFormation is a great option for those working primarily within AWS, and it has a lower learning curve. Terraform, on the other hand, provides greater flexibility, is compatible with a broader range of clouds and providers, and has a more active community for support.


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